Abuse thrives in the absence of education.

People who abuse children don’t teach them how to identify abuse. In fact, it’s critical to those who perpetuate abuse for their victims to be kept in the dark. Educated, aware children who can identify abusive behavior are more prepared to protect themselves and to report abuse to responsible adults or authorities. But, it’s not just children who benefit from recognizing the signs of maltreatment. Adults who can identify the signs that a child is being abused are better equipped to get children the help they need.

Our Program

Child Watch has been providing schools in our region with abuse prevention education services since 1985 and we are proud to continue our tradition of working with educators, parents, and community partners to keep our children safe.

We present our abuse prevention education program, “The Totally Awesome Super Important YOU,” at schools across West Kentucky, from Fulton County to Caldwell County. The program and its materials are partially funded by the Office of the Attorney General, Child Victims’ Trust Fund.  Ronald McDonald House Tri-State also provides support and partial funding of materials.

Our program is unique in that it involves both children and adults. We strongly believe that prevention cannot be left up to adults only. It is unrealistic to think that caregivers can protect children 24-hours a day or that all parents make the safety of their children a priority.  Our program empowers children in preschool thru 6th grade with tools and strategies to  protect themselves when adults are absent or impaired – tools abusive caregivers don’t teach at home.

Our program takes a multifaceted approach by also providing caregivers and school staff with information and resources to recognize and report abuse.  As well, we offer training presentations for adults, so that they can spot abuse in their line of work and everyday lives. We know that we all play a role in keeping our kids safe.

You Can Help Us Educate!

If your school, child care center, church, or organization is interested in our presentation for either children or adults, call us at (270) 443-1440.

If you would like to support the Child Victims’ Trust Fund, please visit their website, www.icareaboutkidsky.gov, to learn more about the program. You can support the program by purchasing a special CVTF “I Care About Kids” license plate at your local clerk’s office. You can also designate a portion of your tax refund to the Child Victims’ Trust Fund by checking a box on your tax return.